Key Signs That Prove A Person Has An Addiction Problem

Addiction medication treatment Palm City

You might think that if your loved one had an addiction, you would be able to tell.

After all, you’ve heard the news, seen it on TV, and read it on social media.

However, people do not even recognize a loved one is battling addiction until it’s almost too late.

So, while it’s true that you can identify and resolve addiction, you should first know exactly what to look out for to proceed to the next steps.

Here are some of the most common signs of addiction to look out for.

> Physical And Mental Changes

When someone abuses drugs, they may develop a variety of physical symptoms. Some are obvious, while others are subtle or develop over time.

In addition, the addiction can also cause changes in a person’s cognitive processes, attitudes, and beliefs.

If you suspect an addiction, firstly look out for the following mental and physical signs in your loved one:

·      Mood Swings

Unexplained or seemingly spontaneous mood changes are pretty common. When high, a person may become hyperactive, loving, or exuberant.

On the other hand, they may become furious, irritated, or even verbally aggressive after the high wears off and withdrawal symptoms set in.

·      Changes In Hygiene

While maintaining proper hygiene is necessary, being overly clean can be a symptom of addiction.

Addicts will often try to mask their foul breath with mouthwash, gum, or toothpaste in an attempt to hide their substance addiction. This is especially true in the case of alcohol addicts.

Showering frequently and using a lot of scented lotions, body sprays, and perfumes can also indicate other drug addictions.

On the contrary, an addict may begin to appear scruffy or fatigued because addictions often replace crucial aspects of the day, such as maintaining personal hygiene.

·      Withdrawal Indications

Depending on the substance, withdrawal symptoms may start to set in on an addict when levels of the drug to which they are addicted fall below a certain threshold.

Cravings, constipation, diarrhea, shaking, sweating, and unusual behavior, including violence, are all examples of drug addiction.

> Behavioral Changes

Drugs can also alter people’s personalities and actions, causing them to act in ways they normally wouldn’t. Some of these behaviors may include:

·      Disappearing During Gatherings

One of the most common characteristics in people with a substance use disorder is that they tend to disappear during get-togethers or parties.

This is especially true when the gatherings include friends and family. It could be a major indication of addiction when people begin to isolate themselves more frequently or display secretive behaviors.

·      Losing Interest in Hobbies

As the addiction worsens, the person may be unable to participate in activities they normally used to enjoy.

For example, they may start to show zero interest in football when it once used to be their favorite sport. This could happen because the drug abuse leaves the addict physically or mentally incapable of actively participating in any activity.

·      Ignoring Responsibilities

When someone is constantly under the influence of drugs, they will eventually start neglecting daily tasks such as going to work or school, running household errands, or caring for pets and children.

They may even struggle to recall important appointments or willfully ignore pressing deadlines or obligations.

If you see any of these signs in your loved ones, you should probably consider that they might need help and aren’t just being “lazy.”


Addiction can have a serious impact on a person’s physical and psychological wellbeing, as well as their daily activities and social life.

If someone you care about exhibits any of the behavioral, physical, or mental indicators of addiction we mentioned, seek professional help right away.

Looking for a personalized and effective addiction medication treatment?

Christie Care has you covered.

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